The National Wildlife Federation is America’s largest conservation organization operating for over 45 years. There are several phases that are required in becoming a certified Community Wildlife Habitat by the NWF. Currently, BRL has completed the registration goals, one of which is creating and successfully ratifying an ecological proclamation with local government, BRL chose to submit an ecological proclamation that supports our natural biodiversity on many levels. We chose to support our native pollinators and their significant role in food production and in maintaining plant health for our whole western North Carolina ecosystem.

We are proud to report that on June 13, 2023 the Madison County Commissioners ratified Bear River Lodge’s proclamation designating the Month of June, in all padding-right: 40px;of Madison County and especially in BRL, to be “Native Pollinator Habitat Awareness Month.” The new countywide resolution is designed to inspire education and activities for all Madison residents to mindfully support our smallest residents, namely our native bees, hummingbirds and butterflies in their landscaping, gardening and outdoor activities. The proclamation was signed, sealed and now is displayed in both our Lodge and in the Madison County Government Offices. You will find more educational information and a list of native plants to add to your property that will attract and support our pollinators: This second link offers you a wealth of information about understanding and identifying our native bee neighbors: . Supporting North Carolina’s over 500 distinctive native bee species helps to stand in the gap where the imported honey bee populations have been collapsing at an alarming rate in every state. Bear River Lodge is working to maintain a healthy, sustainable, and wildlife-friendly community that fosters better connections between humans and wildlife.